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earth structure中文是什么意思

用"earth structure"造句"earth structure"怎么读"earth structure" in a sentence


  • 地球结构
  • 土工构筑物
  • 土工建筑物
  • 土工结构物


  • Dynamic response analysis on underground earth structures considering traveling waves
  • 5 . some important dynamic responsive parameters are worked out about the reinforced earth structure under the impelling loads of train by model tests and analysis of dynamic characteristics
    5 、通过对铁路加筋土挡墙在列车重复荷载作用下的室内模型试验和动力特性分析,得出了加筋土挡培在动力荷载作用下的一些重要动态响应参数。
  • Research of the dynamic characteristics of reinforced earth structure has become a resistless important task when the express highway and express railway are built and the reinforced earth retaining walls are widely applied
  • The jiangcang mining area locates the position of special earth structure , regional structure developed distinguishingly , with the third kind of structure complicated degree and the third type of coal bed stable degree and metamorphic grade
  • ( 2 ) the lateral deformation is effectively limited by reinforced earth layers and the settlement becomes small . @ the lateral deformation is enlarged on soft foundations , and the settlement becomes large . @ the reinforced earth layers on soft foundations behaves extension . the response behaviors of high sand - gravel embankment are indicated as the following : ? he amplification factor of earthquake acceleration varies with reinforced earth structure . ( 2 ) the basic frequency of the original embankments in different reinforcement conditions is about 0 . 76hz . ? the amplitude of dynamic deformation appears small and the dynamic stability is safe
  • The topic of this paper is structure , firstly analyse the earth structure setting of tarim basin and tectonic evolution of tazhong area in silurian - devonian , and give silurian - devonian stratum control and effect , then study the relationship of the development of tazhong uplift , fracture unconformity igneous rock and and oil - gas , at last , on the base of the analyse about history of reservoirs formation , forecast reservoirs pattern , point out favored oil and gas bearing structure and the target . and obtain some important conclusion . 1
用"earth structure"造句  
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